Photoguide Magazine / Photography Magazines
This is the list for someone who want to know about photography magazines.
Photo Magazine top 100
Features news, camera and lens reviews, equipment guides, photo courses, galleries, forums for photography. Many photography magazines are gathering the work of the world's most important photographers plus articles by art scholars, critics and writers. Some Magazine designed to entertain and inform active photographers of all ages, both amateur and professional. Online photography magazine with news, articles and tutorials are very useful. This information will help you with the photo journalism featuring photo stories by freelancers and agency photographers covering topical issues worldwide.
7. Aperture
8. Apogee Photo
10. BandW mag.
12. BJP-online
13. Blind Spot
16. BLUR-magazine
17. Burnmagazine.org
18. Boston.com / The Big Picture
19. Camerapixo
20. Chambrenoire.com
21. Deepsleep.org.uk
22. Digiphotomag
24. Digital PhotoPro
26. Dphoto
27. DPmag
29. EOS-magazine
30. ePhotozine
31. f2freelancephotographer.com
32. F8 mag
33. f11magazine.com
34. FILE magazine
35. Flak Photo
36. foam
37. FOCUS mag
38. FOTO8
39. Fotoblur
40. F stop magazine
41. GUP magazine
43. Imag Photo
44. iPhos (korean)
45. JPGmag
46. Landscape Photography Magazine
47. Lens Culture
49. Lunaticmag.com
50. Moon Cruise
51. Musarium
52. Musee magazine
58. N photomag
60. PDN online
61. Photo.fr (French)
62. Photo Answers
64. Photoextract
65. Photoeye.com
66. Photographic
67. Photograph mag
68. PhotographyBB
70. Photojpn.org (Japan)
71. Photolife
72. Photo News.ca
73. PhotoPlusmag.com
75. Phototech mag
76. PhotoZoom mag
77. Pixels and Prose
78. pixelpress.org
79. POPphoto
80. positive-magazine.com
81. ppa.com
82. PPmag
85. purpose.fr
86. seesaw magazine
87. Shutterbug
88. slavemag.com
92. snapped.co.za
94. The 37th frame
95. viewcamera.com
96. Viewmag.be
97. viiphoto.com
99. wedpix.com
100. zonezero
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