Robert Capa Photo Exhibition, Ends 28 Oct 2013, Jung-gu, Seoul
<로버트 카파 사진전>
사진에 대해 관심있는 분이라면 누구나 기억할만한 거장 카파의 사진들이 한국에서 전시되고 있다. ‘로버트 카파 탄생 100주년 사진전’이 8월 2일부터 10월 28일까지 서울 세종문화회관 미술관에서 열리고 있다.
“결정적 순간을 잡기 위해 목숨을 걸었던 당신의 사진이 만족스럽지 않다면, 충분히 다가서지 않아서다.”
DATE: Friday 02 August - Monday 28 October 2013
TIME: 10:30 - 21:00 (las admission 30 minutes before closing)
COST: Adults W12,000 / Students W8,000 /Children W7,000
VENUE: Sejong Center for Performing Arts, Jung-gu, Seoul
DESCRIPTION: Robert Capa was a photographer and known for the photos of five wars including the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II across Europe, the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and the First Indochina War. He was a founder of Magnum Photos which is an international photographic cooperative based in New York. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth and the 60th anniversary of Korean War, a total of 160 photos are on display so visitors can take a look at his life as a photo journalist.
DIRECTIONS: Gwanghwamun Station on Line 5 (stop 533) exit 1 or 8.
INFO: Website below in Korean only. For help getting information in English, contact Seoul City's Dasan 120 or KTO's 02-1330 helpline.
Please visit: http://www.robertcapa.co.kr
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